Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thomas Mao / 607

607 is a short film, preceding the feature, Thomas Mao. The best thing I can say about this one, is that it's short. What can I say - it was badly filmed bad performance art. And as with all my experiences with bad performance art, I sat there bored, hoping it really was quite insightful and interesting but maybe I just wasn't getting it. One can hope..

Thomas Mao was an excellent contrast to this opener in that there were certainly many aspects of this film I did not understand - but it always kept me engaged, often while laughing out loud. Employing a subtle, stylish surrealism, Thomas Mao explores borders in 4, possibly 5, likely many more different ways. But it's definitely "out there," and not for the classically-restricted. To wit, this conversation between two grey-haired, richly-clad asian women was overheard upon leaving the theatre: "The next film we're seeing is also Chinese, but much more traditional," met with the other woman's deep sigh of relief. ha!

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